212-906-4495 therapy@avenapsych.com
Aging Gracefully: Nurturing Self-Esteem as You Grow Older

Aging Gracefully: Nurturing Self-Esteem as You Grow Older

​ As the years go by, it’s easy to let self-esteem waver. However, let’s remember that age is but a number, and with each passing day, you accumulate wisdom, grace, and a unique beauty that is all your own. Today, we’re here to share some tips on...
Setting Boundaries on Social Media: Preserving Mental Health

Setting Boundaries on Social Media: Preserving Mental Health

​In the bustling world of social media, finding a balance between connection and self-preservation can be a delicate dance. Today, we’re here to share some gentle strategies for setting boundaries on social media, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of social...
Overcoming Impostor Syndrome at Work: Recognizing Your Worth

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome at Work: Recognizing Your Worth

Have you ever felt like you’re just one step away from being “found out” at work? You’re not alone. Many of us grapple with overcoming impostor syndrome at work, a feeling that our accomplishments are undeserved. Today, we’re here to...
Coping with Depression: Strategies for Daily Life

Coping with Depression: Strategies for Daily Life

In the midst of life’s ebbs and flows, sometimes we find ourselves grappling with the weight of depression. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and there are strategies that can help bring some light into your days. Today, we’re...
Managing Anxiety During Life Transitions: A Guide for Every Age

Managing Anxiety During Life Transitions: A Guide for Every Age

Life is full of transitions, isn’t it? Whether it’s starting a new job, moving to a new city, or even embracing a new chapter in your personal life, change can bring about a mix of excitement and anxiety. Today, we’re here to share some comforting...