212-906-4495 therapy@avenapsych.com

Substance abuse takes a toll on people and their personal relationships. The stress that comes from addiction is inevitable on people, especially those closest to you. Couples in recovery particularlly suffer from broken trust and discomfort around what reality is like in recovery. But, romance after substance abuse is possible.

Broken plans and unmet goals in your relationship as a result of substance abuse to frustration, sadness, and resentment. However, there are ways to negotiate rebuilding romance and trust after treatment with a partner or loved one. Becoming isolated can bring more challenges, so working to rebuild those connections is important to overall healing.  

Here are some important tips you may consider as you rebuild your relationship in recovery:

  • Watch for Triggers – Don’t let triggers slip by and make you slip up. Instead, be aware of them if you want to work at avoiding them and mitigating their effect.

  • Have fun sober This is important. It’s very easy to sit around and think that life just isn’t as fun anymore without substances, but that’s a one way ticket backward on the road to substance abuse. Put some effort into having sober fun with your partner, and you’ll come to find that it’s actually rather enjoyable. 
  • Stay honest and openCommunication is key to success. Be honest and open about how you’re feeling and what you’re thinking so that your partner isn’t left in the dark. 
  • Take it slow It’s a journey, not a race. Take things as they come, step by step. Romance after substance abuse can take time. Rushing into it will do more harm than good in the long run. 
  • Move together Attending recovery groups together can help you and your partner better understand each other as one or both of you works through the process of recovery from substance abuse. Having your own therapy and social support is important, but you can also maintain connection with your partner by going to therapy and support groups together. This will help build solidarity for the journey forward. You are facing a lot of changes, so be sure to stay on the same page as your partner as you both work on rebuilding your relationship after substance abuse.

This process is not going to be easy, but it’s definitely doable. Take it slow and work at it together. Couples in recovery may also consider approaching a couple’s therapist to help guide you and your partner through the process of healing, rebuilding, and moving forward.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with a professional in New York or New Jersey.